Our explanations

The Importance of HTTPS
HTTPS is a way of encrypting the data on your website so that it cannot be intercepted by third parties. In other words, it ensures privacy and security. It’s also important to note that Google uses HTTPS as a ranking signal. As such, if you want to rank higher in search results then you should look into using HTTPS.
Types of Certificates
There are two types of SSL certificates available to purchase: Domain Validation (DV) or Organization Validation (OV). The main difference between the two is that DV certificates are faster to validate, but they don’t provide as much security as OV certs. A DV cert verifies that the owner of the domain name is in control of the website.
- More information:
- https://kootenaywebweaver.com/
- https://flash-for-nuke.de/

How Do I Get One?
An SSL Certificate is the little padlock that you see in your browser window when you go to a website. You’ll usually only see this if the website has an SSL Certificate installed. If a site does not have an SSL certificate, then any information that you enter on that site (such as usernames, passwords, or credit card information) will be sent to the server without encryption. This means that anyone with access to the network can potentially intercept your sensitive information !